Reasons Why Torch Down Roofing Should Be Professionally Installed


Torch down roofing involves melting rubberized asphalt to the roof of a residential or commercial structure using a blowtorch. This roof replacement method can achieve a durable seal that is capable of standing up to harsh weather conditions and can last up to 20 years with proper maintenance. The materials involved and risk of fire or injury can make torch down roofs more expensive than other roofing methods and materials.


Professional installation can reduce the risk of personal injury or fire that accompanies torch down roofing while ensuring the quality of the finished result. Skilled roofers should be able to work more quickly and effectively than non-professionals. Experts that regularly install torch down roofs are likely to have more experience than property owners.


A roofer that provides torch down application can also help determine whether this style of roof replacement is right for you. If you own a structure with a flat roof or one with slopes of less than one degree in a region with a lot of precipitation, you may not want to have this type of roof installed. The overlapping strips of this roofing material can succumb to leaks when exposed to constant moisture. It is also important that structures have sufficient drainage to preserve the seal and condition of a torch down roof.


If you are interested in torch down roof replacement, you should contact a trusted company that specializes in this method and arrange for a consultation. Specialists can help you determine whether this style of roofing is the best choice for your circumstances and whether a two- or three-layer system would be ideal. A two-layer system can last for approximately 15 years and a three-layer system can endure for 20 or more. Torch down roofs often require regular maintenance, especially around chimneys, flashing, and gutters. The entire surface may need to be resealed after five years.